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Welcome to LocalBTV!

As a PEG Channel, we stream your content on our best-in-class app for free! All you have to do is fill out the channel questionaire in the link below and we will get you streaming. Learn more below or click the link to get started!

What is Local BTV?

LocalBTV is the fastest, easiest and cheapest way to take your channel OTT. Our platform allows you to gather audiences on all devices at no cost.


Comparing LocalBTV



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New Viewers:

Content Control:


Lean back & enjoy

Authentic TV


Your Choice

Free and Effective

Search & find


Another YouTube Clip




Youtube's Choice


Free to use, hard to find

General Questions

How does Didja make money?

We make money by inserting ads on for-profit TV channels.  We bring on Community Video (PEGs, High School channels and more) on the system free of charge because we believe this adds great depth and color to our channel line-up.  

Do you run ads?

Advertising is an option, and if a community organization (such as a high school) desire advertising or sponsorships, LocalBTV takes a share of that new found revenue to pay for expenses. 70% of ad/sponsorship revenue goes to the community video organization.

Where is the company located?

We're based in Silicon Valley and have been in business for over 5 years.

How is my station listed in our app?

The LocalBTV app has created a "Community" section containing PEG and High School channels to ensure users can find your content with ease.

Cost Summary

Cost to Go Live


Cost to Operate


The Opportunity

More Viewers

Increase Net Revenue

- Your channel across whole TV DMA

- Any user regardless of cable subscription

- Free app

- Avoid app costs

- Avoid operations cost

- Generate new ad revenue

Better Viewer Experience

Optimize Results

- Easy, best-in-class app
- Watch on any device
- DVR for time shifting

- Full, free analytic reporting
- Email registrations list

Cable Audiences are Declining!

As audiences make the switch away from cable, PEG TV channels are losing viewership and consequently, funding. With viewers now consuming streamed content on mobile devices, channels are being forced to look towards the alternatives to cable: custom apps and YouTube. These platforms are both expensive to promote and unsuccessful in attracting viewers. Luckily, there is new, better option: LocalBTV.

LocalBTV provides you a free, convenient way to recapture audiences and acquire new viewers on all devices.

Steps to Go Live

1. Fill out the form: Our Questionaire

2. Send your stream via RTMP format

3. Send a CSV of your program guide

4. Give us your approval as we take you live!

Contact Us

Kurt Buecheler: (650)862-4848 | 300 3rd Street, Ste-9 Los Altos, CA 94022




Best-in-Class App
for Free

The streaming platform with an authentic cable tv feel for any device

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